About Us

Serving the Jefferson are as your guide on the journey to a healthier, happier self.

Our Mission

At KOPA CrossFit, we strive to see members reach their full potential while developing a better sense of their self-esteem and healthy habits. We want to help you define what right looks likes. Through our unique programing, our goal is to push you to the limit but make sure you are comfortable along the way. Here at KOPA CrossFit we focus on building your fitness goals through a family and community environment. It is never easy, but it will always be worth it….


Designed for universal scalability making it the perfect application for any committed individual regardless of experience. We’ve used our same routines for all whether you are a beginner or an elite competitors preparing for their next competition . We scale load and intensity; we don’t change programs.


Our coaches goal is to lead you to success from the very minute you walk in the door by giving you a strategy to determine your level of fitness, setting short term and long term goals, then mapping out the program to take all the guess work out of

getting into the best shape of your life. Our group and one-on-one coaching option offer the guidance you need to lead to your success.


You can’t out-exercise a bad diet. CrossFit makes you accountable: The workouts are 3x harder if your nutrition isn’t on point. Our Nutrition program (like our CrossFit and Personal Training Programs) combines education and the discipline to create habits that will last a LIFETIME.

Our Goal:

To Provide

Positive & challenging environments promoting health, fitness, well being & community

Our People Is What Makes Us Great

Our Team

Are you ready to level up?

Getting started is easy!


Book a No-Sweat Intro

We're excited to learn about your fitness background and passions. Our No Sweat Intro aims to find the best ways to support your journey by tailoring a plan specifically for YOU, based on your health and fitness goals!

Schedule Free Intro


Start Your Training

Your goals have been defined and you are ready to start your journey. We will start you off strong by teaching you the fundamentals of form and nutrition!


Have Fun Reaching New Levels

Once you have established the basics, have fun showing up to new workouts each day!

Level Up Today!

Level up your fitness journey - sign up for your free intro now and progress towards a healthier, stronger you at KOPA CrossFit!

Schedule Free Intro
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